Mystery Diseases and Me is Ron Brunk's tale of health horrors, decline, and then recovery. He finds the wisdom to understand that life is about Balance and the Choices we make. In order to be healthy, your health must be a priority, and Ron gets it. Good nutrition, exercise, sleep, and a support network are the cornerstones, while 'de-stressing' the core provides a strong framework to build upon.
This amazing book is a collection of the poems written by singer-songwriter & author Ron Brunk from 1976 to 2014. These poems are highly entertaining as they move effortlessly from folksy, down-home wisdom and humor to super-sonic, cataclysmic word play and social commentary. Yet, each one always speaks directly to the heart and addresses the human condition. If you have never been "into" poetry, give this book a try, and you will be instantly hooked. On the other hand, if you have always been a fan of poetry, you will be delighted to discover a fresh, new voice.
Alexia Publishing House Masterpiece Series is proud to present "GREEN MACHINE," a magnum opus of suspense, love, murder, terrifying dreamscapes, poetic prose, heartbreak and adventure. Native American drumbeats pulse through a beatnik atmosphere, and middle-American malaise meets red rock voodoo as lost souls go on the road across America in search of destiny, revenge, and the perfect bologna sandwich. “GREEN MACHINE” is at times disturbing, obtuse, delightful, or inspiring; with grand, soaring passages that induce echoes of Kerouac and visions of Updike. Find love on the hood of a Ford Bronco and death in the back of an Econoline Van as this odd and mysterious book draws you in with its dark magic. You won’t want to put down the "GREEN MACHINE."
Heartbreak, horror, and humor duke it out in the twisted life of music superstar Gravel Gold. From Nashville to New York, from the Louisiana swamp to the Texas prairie, this dark story is exciting, moving, epic. The Gravel Road is a book you will never forget.
Steven Standing awakes in a bizarre world called The After, where things at first seem the same as they were before, but most definitely are not. Is it a dream? Is it heaven....or hell? An alternate reality or timeline? Or has he simply gone mad? Join Steven Standing on his incredible journey through The After! To uncover the answers, Steven Standing sets out on a journey that takes him to the edge of Time itself. He battles savage beasts in the Ooljee Forest and corruption in the Holy of Holies, finds strange friends in the wilderness, and learns of the mysterious prophecy of ‘the Mistake who would become the Savior’. Time travel, magic, action and adventure intertwine in this unusual and exciting tale of a young man who simply wants to find his way home.